
Wildflowers and butterfly by Jon Hawkins


Hedge bindweed in the field studio - Niall Benvie/2020VISION

A remarkable twist

Susan Stone, our Reserves and Conservation Advisor, has been taking a closer look at bindweed, a plant that provides a great source of nectar for our pollinator species but is often considered a…

Sulphur clover - Simone Bullion

Sulphur Clover

Susan Stone, our Conservation and Reserves Advisor, has been searching for sulphur clover, a Nationally Scarce plant that has a stronghold in Suffolk.

Sizewell nuclear power stations by Sarah Groves

An update on Sizewell C

Ben McFarland, Head of Conservation, explains how EDF has submitted its planning documents to the inspectorate and outlines Suffolk Wildlife Trust’s chief areas of concern.

Hoverfly - Chris Gomersall 2020 Vision

Insect-friendly farming in Suffolk

Sam Hanks, Farmland Wildlife Advisor, explores how insects are in decline globally, and that the UK is sadly no exception. Both abundance and diversity are reducing at alarming rates. In the…
