Celebrating 60 years of Suffolk Wildlife Trust

Wildflowers and butterfly by Jon Hawkins

Wildflowers and butterfly by Jon Hawkins

Celebrating 60 years of Suffolk Wildlife Trust

Suffolk Wildlife Trust was formed in June 1961 as The Suffolk Trust for Nature Conservation. It all started following a conversation between the late Earl of Cranbrook and Mike Bendix. This led to a visit to Redgrave and Lopham Fen (which was under threat from drying out due to a borehole) where they saw the rare fen raft spider and an albino marsh orchid. They both felt that a Society or Trust should be formed to protect and improve the area and put together a committee of people who knew Suffolk and its wildlife well.

Much has happened over the following 60 years, and it's time we celebrated our successes, but also look to the present and future and fight harder than ever for our amazing wildlife.

In the June 2021 edition of our membership magazine, we exploring the past, present and future, and present a landscape vision for a wilder Suffolk.

In September 2021, we explore how our towns and cities can be wilder, too, reconnecting everyone to nature. 

Our Learning team put on some great events in June '21 - we hope you were able to join us to celebrate our 60th year. Do keep an eye on our What's On pages for details of wild events and activities near you.

Below is an animated map showing Suffolk Wildlife Trust nature reserves acquired since Redgrave & Lopham Fen was saved for nature in 1961. 

Our nature reserves 1961 - 2021

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