Pond dipping galore, an epic water fight and saying goodbye to Foxburrow!

Pond dipping galore, an epic water fight and saying goodbye to Foxburrow!

Wow, time has flown by and I’m already in the last month of my internship! I have had the most incredible time working in both Ipswich and at Foxburrow. Being able to see the differences between outreach and centre-based delivery has been really interesting.

Almost every day I was at Foxburrow during June and July we had a school group, so I quickly got to know the different programmes we teach and began leading groups and eventually whole days. This has been something I have found very rewarding, particularly when it felt like everyone really enjoyed themselves and went away knowing more about Suffolk’s wildlife than before.

Each month we also have two Go Wild in the Week sessions for home educated kids either from 6-11 or 11-16. I always look forward to these, as I get to continue to build relationships with such a wonderful group of people. I learn something new about wildlife in almost every conversation we have. I’ve enjoyed drawing woodland fairies, creating obstacle courses, playing on rope swings and our epic water fight on the hottest day of the year! I don’t think I’ve ever met such enthusiastic water fight participants; I was certainly cooled down. Not to mention when Emma tipped a whole bucket of water over me (don’t worry I’ll get her back). But it was brilliant and of course we had to cool down with ice pops. I will be sad to no longer see them regularly, but I’d like to think I may be able to pop by and say hello every now and then!

Faye enjoying a red and yellow ice stick

Cooling Down! Photo credit: Faye Alexander

Since my last blog we’ve had two more Weekend Wildlife Club sessions at Foxburrow. In the second session, we learnt all about the different trees in Community Wood. We created information booklets with observational drawings, bark and leaf rubbings and identified the different tree species. Exploring Community Wood was great fun! Here are some pictures and videos of their amazing creations.

Credit: Faye Alexander

Last Saturday (6th August) we had a pond themed session. We did lots of arts and craft alongside our pond dipping, filling our paper plate ponds with plenty of the creatures we had found, such as newts, dragonfly nymphs and great diving beetles!

We’ve had lots of other pond related events on recently too, including a Family Afternoon. It was great to improve my knowledge of pond creatures through the experience of catching them and seeing them up close. I have also been taught all about some of the species by the young people who attended! I love how they know so much about such specific things that they have learnt outside of school. Our other Family Afternoons have had themes such as butterflies and insects, where we have made butterfly houses and feeders, seed bombs and solitary bee homes.

child painting bird feeders

Painting bird feeders! Credit: Faye Alexander

Although I am sad that my internship will soon be complete, I am hugely grateful for the experience I have gained throughout it. I cannot recommend this opportunity enough! I have made some memories I will never forget and met the most wonderful people. However, I am happy to say that I have secured a role as the Wilder Communities Assistant working back alongside Lucy in Ipswich, which I will start very shortly.

I am very excited to be continuing my time with the Trust and working to create successful community projects in my home town! But for now, I will say goodbye as a Wild Learning Voluntary Intern and thank you to everyone I have met over my time in this role for making it so special.

Stay wild!

Faye :)