Hedgehog Highways for Ipswich MP Sandy martin

Hedgehog Highways for Ipswich MP Sandy martin

Paul Williams

Last week myself and colleague Olly met our Labour MP for Ipswich, Sandy Martin.

Sandy has recently confirmed his commitment to local environmental issues by signing the Greener UK MP’s Environment Pledge and was also keen to support our local hedgehog campaign. We took the opportunity to visit Sandys garden to ensure it was nice and hedgehog friendly, and created two hedgehog-sized holes in his fences, linking Sandys garden to his two neighbours.

Lack of access to gardens is a major issue for hedgehogs and every new hedgehog fence hole adds much needed habitat. Sandy has assured us he’ll be on the look out for visiting hedgehogs, and will continue to keep his garden nice and ‘hog friendly!

Sandy Martin Hedgehogs