Wild Ipswich and Sidegate Primary School – an update!

Wild Ipswich and Sidegate Primary School – an update!

Last month was our first activity day for the Wildlife Ambassadors of Sidegate Primary School. The day began at Holywells Park with two activities run by the Ipswich Wildlife Group, Ipswich Borough Council, Greenways and Suffolk Wildlife Trust.

The first involved a tour of the park to identify key habitats, the wildlife they benefited and why. These ideas were all noted down by the students for further discussion back at school. The second activity was more practical, with each student making their own bug hotel to take home to their garden.

The afternoon began with a quick walk (in the pouring rain!) around the school grounds for the wildlife ambassadors to identify areas already managed for wildlife, and areas that could be improved. Groups then discussed and brainstormed ideas as to how the features seen at Holywells Park could be applied to their own school grounds.

Sidegate brainstorm

The final session of the day was focused on how the school fitted in with the wider landscape. Species like the hedgehog need ground level access to large areas of land – hedgehogs can roam around 2km in a night! We launched a poster competition for ambassadors to create their own persuasive pieces of work to promote hedgehog action in the local community. Below are just some examples of these – brilliant work I’m sure you’ll agree! The final couple will soon be chosen and these will be reproduced to distribute to the streets surrounding the school!

Sidegate hedgehog leaflets