Send us your signs of spring in Suffolk

Send us your signs of spring in Suffolk

Barn owl - Russell Savory

We might not be able to travel to see wildlife at the moment, but there's so much to enjoy on our doorstep. We'd love you to share the wildlife you spot in your garden or local patch with us.
Wood anenomes and wild garlic

Shaun Norris, wood anenomes and wild garlic

Please send us your images of spring in Suffolk unfolding where you live.

What wildlife wonders are appearing in your garden? Do you have any wild flowers growing in your local patch? Are you making your garden a wildlife haven this year? 

With the lockdown in place, mail is tricky, so if you're happy to share, please send your images to us via email: We'll share our favourites with you on social media and also on our website in a few weeks' time.

Stay safe and well, and keep in touch with us on our social media channels: twitter, facebook and instagram.




peacock butterfly on blackthorn

peacock butterfly on blackthorn


Jamie Smith, primrose