Nightingales and more at Lackford Lakes!

Nightingales and more at Lackford Lakes!

Lackford Lakes by Mark Gosbee

So much has happened since my last blog. I said Lackford Lakes is a busy place and WOW is that proving true.

Now that Spring is well under way there is much excitement about the nightingales returning and singing so beautifully, the swifts are back as well and look as though they will be nesting and if that wasn’t enough the kingfishers have raised their chicks who are now fledging.

May 10th was the evening to be out and about to hear the nightingales. It was great to be with adults and families, straining to listen and, excited to hear the nightingales sing. As always with nature we waited with bated breath to see if they would perform on cue and, as the sunset and the noisy thrushes roosted, we were not disappointed as two males sang out in competition singing as loud and long as they could. It was breath taking!! Then as we stood in the darkness the tawny owls hooted for us and two barn owls flew over and screeched so as not to be outdone!!


Nightingale by Ian Goodall

For my continued learning I spent three days on Felixstowe beach taking part in Wild Beach training. It was amazing to be on a beach I know so well but to see it in a new way. We watched the clouds, measured the incline of the beach, made sundials and sculptures, collected natural objects as well as measuring and identifying the rubbish. SO many great learning experiences and activities to share.

Now that SATS are over and the weather is improving schools are booked in to visit Lackford so let the minibeast hunting and pond dipping begin!!

Suffolk Wildlife Trust